Monday, February 22, 2010

Jennifer Lopez sewed on my button...

So we went to Mark's cousin's wedding in Dallas. It was beautiful!!..Right out of a movie. And I couldn't just let it be a cute little romantic movie, I had to add my own little comedy.
We got to the Catholic chapel and we were ushered to our seats. Well, Reilynn was poopy and needed to be fed. So I snuck out before the wedding started to take care of business. The bathroom was tiny, with nowhere to sit and feed a baby. I changed her diaper and went on a search to find a place to feed her.
There weren't any other rooms besides the chapel and the bridal room that I could see. So I got ushered into the BRIDAL ROOM!!! I interrupted the brides beautifying and bridesmaid time with my screaming baby. I was trying to be a fly on the wall, or to be more exact, in the corner, as I hurried and fed my baby.
Well, I got back into the chapel just in time for the ceremony to start, and Reilynn had another poopy diaper. (She does not like to be poopy, and she is vocal about it.) So I tried to tip-toe, in my heels, out of the very QUIET/CHILDLESS chapel. I changed her diaper, again, and my button popped off the middle of my dress in the bathroom....
I snuck out of the bathroom, holding my dress, and found the wedding planners cleaning up the bride room. I asked for a safety pin and was offered an even better solution...she pulled out a sewing kit out of her magic wedding planner bag and sewed on my button.
I tip-toed back into the chapel, and I had missed the whole ceremony. It is a good thing she is so cute! WOW!!!
Mark's parents, brother and his wife flew to Texas to come to the wedding with us. It was SO FUN to visit with them! All in all, it was a great weekend!


Melissa said...

I love that movie and yes...seems like you were sucked into your own version of the Wedding Planner. At least it worked out and no one spilled out onto anyone's clothes...

Amy said...

That movie is one of my favorites too! Great story :)

Michelle said...

I love those pictures. Everyone looks so great. I especially love the one with MarK and Reilynn. I love the button story too! Those babies are worth it.

Lelani said...

oh my gosh! that is hilarious. lol she's still the cutest baby.

Calvert's Calling said...

I went to my brother's wedding when Bella was 3 weeks old. I had to nurse her in the middle of the reception, and I had a dress on that wasn't the best for nursing! I thought I had found a private room to quietly nurse her in (I had to unzip my dress and had no blanket to cover up), until one of my sister-in-laws brothers walked in on me. So embarrassing.., but what do you do with a screaming baby at a wedding? I can sympathize.

Jennifer said...

Love that last picture. Cute. And Grangie, that is one HOTT picture of YOU! (P.S. That is a Brevan face.)

Over The Hills said...

Angie you are so funny!!! When you little ones are taking care of you later you will be happy for all the sacrifices!! We love our kids!!!Mom