Tuesday, March 23, 2010


No, not this kind of dog...but my very smart dog is playing with a Texas sized red bee...aren't poodles known for their smarts?!?!?!

And don't look at the weeds or the dead grass in our backyard or the large cement block that keeps our swing set from tipping when my monster children get going on it. I've come to terms with the fact that we are a little W. T. (I don't know if my neighbors have yet though.)

Here is the "up dog" I was referring to . Bailey has been watching me do yoga lately. I didn't think she was paying that much attention. I guess she was. She pulled our door mat away from the door and started doing yoga moves.

I thought it was very funny! It also reminded me of how attentive our children are!


Michelle said...

That's so cute! I love your posts and also your kind comments! I understand your homesickness..even if I did grow up in a city. I have Idaho blood in me right? I love your new layout too!

Over The Hills said...

SOOOOOO cute!! The power of example. I love that we share the same homesickness!! Just the thought you might come our way is all we need to get through the days.

Tara said...

How cute! Isn't it amazing what they pick up? Emma runs and gets the cans (yes, of food) and starts doing exercises with them as soon as I turn my video on. I used to use cans as weights, and she caught on. I loved your beach post... made me wish we had one near-by.

Melissa said...

But the new floor is Fabulous!