Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pearl Jam fan

Calling all Parker fans...
The other day, I was driving in the car with all 5 little monsters. The new Pearl Jam song came on the radio. I told Parker about how Pearl Jam is one of Mark's favorite bands and how he went to their concert. Mark happened to run into his brother at the concert (neither of them knew the other was going to be there).
Parker wasn't totally understanding why that was funny, so I elaborated by dramatizing..."What are you doing here? What are you doing here?"
Parker started cracking up laughing....
When did he get old enough to understand jokes, and laugh with me about something funny?

And, who doesn't love a picture of a boy with his dog. Poor Zoe, she is so patient!


Elder Gifford & Wendy Nielsen said...

I love it Angie, and nobody deserves a great laugh with her adorable son more than you. Today I rode bikes and played parchesi with Robby. Pure heaven. I love when they get old enough to be your buddy. You rock and I'm one of your silent fans.

Alison said...

I'm a Parker fan!