Monday, May 17, 2010

It's official, the terrible 2's

I have pictures of the little family party we had for Bailey yesterday, but I thought this was much for fitting for her "terrible 2" birthday post.
We BBQed outside the other night, and Bailey found the ketchup. Instead of being a good mother and taking it from her, I grabbed my camera and hid behind the corner to see what would happen.

Little Miss Independent figured it out all on her own.


Everything lately has been..."I do it!!" She has figured out that she can drag a kitchen chair around to anywhere in the house to have access to anything her little heart desires...candy, cereal, light switches, pens, markers, toothpaste, fruit name it, she's figured a way to obtain it....BY! HER! SELF!!!
There are benefits to the independence. She can now get her pj's out of the drawer and put them on by herself. She can get me a diaper and wipes for either her or Reilynn. She can go find a binkie for either herself or Reilynn. (Yes, we can't quite get her off a binkie yet.)

Bailey has been such big help with her little sister. She has taken on the role of big sister whole-heartily! She loves holding Reilynn, singing her songs when she is sad, making her laugh, teaching her how to buzz her lips, and shares her binkie if Reilynn doesn't have one.

Oops, I wasn't quite as sneaky as I thought....she caught me.
We love you Bailey!


Brooke said...

Bailey is adorable!! Those are cute pictures. Happy Birthday!!

Angie said...

I felt like you were writing my life story these days! Maybe I should just copy your post and change the pictures :)