Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grandma who?

It is so confusing when there are so many grandmas around. But to make matters worse...
P, K, A, B, and R's Great Grandma has a big strawberry patch. The kids have been here for a couple seasons now, so they refer to her as "Grandma Strawberry." You're thinking...
That's not confusing, that helps them keep their Grandma and their Great Grandma apart...but wait there's more.
Mark affectionately refers to his mom as "grandma strawberry" because of her gorgeous red hair. So now the kids are all confused!

Grandma Strawberry, Grandma Judy, Grandma Gilbert, Great Grandma?!?!?
Which grandma are we talking about?
But what a great thing to be confused about! My kids are so lucky to have so many grandmas in their life who love them so much!


Amy said...

We have the same problem with my grandkids. Too many grandmas to keep straight is a problem I am okay with though! I agree with you - they are so lucky to have so many.

Brooke said...

Grandma's are the best! What fun memories. By the way, I am totally down for planning a couples gettaway to NYC!

Angie said...

It was really confusing when we went to Utah, because both of my grandparents are alive, my parents, craig's parents and grandma great. Jack looked so confused when we would introduce him to a new grandma! But you gotta love Grandma Great, she is so kind and loving!

Suzy Q said...

That's where you add in Nanna, Grannie, and Grandma Sue. Sometimes when there's just too many they need their own name. We have this problem too.

Jennifer said...

I can't believe how big Bailey is. Seriously! She is supposed to be little! And hello, it has been 3 years since we have seen you. Three! Or ok, maybe it was 2? Still. If I don't see those kids this summer, I am going to be mad.