Monday, August 23, 2010

A break from your normal programing...

I am not quite finished with my AZ posts, but I had to blog about the first day of school.
We started first grade today.  No more Kindergarten, it has been a long time coming (P and K did Kinder twice).  They are excited about their new teachers, but more importantly, excited about...

Their backpacks!!!

No really, he's seriously excited about his backpack!

Oh yeah, and going into 1st.

We had a FHE last night about being a "light," being a good example at school.  She is definitely glowing this morning.

Why is it that I was just as anxious and nervous this morning as I dropped them off at the back door (no more Kinder door)?  I love that school is starting, schedules are starting, and we are going to be busy doing good things...but it is a little sad to say goodbye to summer.  Especially since we are saying hello to...

potty training!  Wish us luck!


Marissa said...

Good luck potty training. Noah pointed to Bailey and said "underwear".

Brooke said...

Good Luck!! I've never been able to do it. Mark has always been able to get them to do it, but not me.