Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Project #576 on the list we had for my dad while he was here....
I now know how to take a toilet off, take the tank off, replace all the pieces in the tank, replace the seals on the tank, and replace the wax ring under the toilet.  Anyone care to hire me...I charge $2500/hour, that was the grossest thing I have ever done!


Michelle said...

Tell Mark that he officially now has a Mortensen wife :). I am impressed! And cute pictures with your mom and dad.

Jennifer said...

But where IS MARK???? Why isn't he doing that?? Gross, Angie, gross. Moving on, however, those are cute pictures- the other ones, that is. And I just realized I never said thank you for the cute blocks!!! They are sitting on our table and my kids LOVE changing them every day. How do you always think of cute things???

Ok, that is all. Your present from the Badgetts is coming, though I just found out that the shipping day is the 27th! Booooooo. I am lame.

Edwin and Rebecca said...

You crack me up!!!

The Marchant's said...

You are super woman! Is "Plumbist" a word??? :)