Friday, December 3, 2010

The QUIET game in our car...

Parker: 1-2-3 go.
Kasidee: Why do you get to be the judge, I am never the judge.
Addison:  Ok, Kasidee you and Bailey are the judges because Bailey is sick.
P: You all lose, I win. 1-2-3 go.
K: Wait, I get to say 1-2-3 go.  MOM!
Bailey:  1-2-3 go.
K: Wait, MOM!
P: You all lose again. Ok, Kasidee, you say 1-2-3 go.
K: 1-2-3 go.
Reilynn:  aaaahhh.
B: cough cough
K:  Pause.  You can cough and you still aren't out. Ok, 1-2-3 go.
A:  Pause.  Only Bailey and Kasidee can cough because they are the judges. Ok 1-2-3 go.
P: cough cough
K:  Pause. Anyone can cough, not just the judges...And I am the only judge, not Bailey. 1-2-3 go.
A:  Pause. Bailey is a judge too because she is sick. 1-2-3 go.
K:  I am the only judge. MOM!
R:  Aaaahhh.
P: 1-2-3 go.
K: No, I am the judge, I say 1-2-3 go.
A:  Pause. Can I cough?
P: I win. 1-2-3 go.
K: PARKER STOP IT!!! 1-2-3 go.
R:  Aaaahhhh.
And we have arrived at basketball practice...awesome quiet game!


Cami Eyre said...

You made my day with that "quiet" game play by play! How cute is's great you can see the humor in it all and not just go crazy from the noise :) I'm taking notes!! You're the greatest Angie!

Leslie said...

classic, i love it angie! such a great post. :)

Elise said...

Hilarious! I feel like those days are soon approaching at my house :) Hey, happy anniversary to you and Mark! Wow, 10 years. Honestly, you guys look the same...10 years has hardly touched you! Ok, maybe different hair for you and a little less for Markley :)

Suzy Q said...

I just laughed and laughed. I can hear their little voices and you giggling and trying not to interrupt. I would have payed to been there to hear this.

Lelani said...

oh, I remember those days ... now it's a threat: be quiet or no TV or whatever. lol we miss you guys so much! we keep seeing kids and thinking they look like yours. in fact, there's a billboard and I swear it's your kids on it. lol

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