Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"THE" talk

Addison had a little "boy" friend over to play today.  As we were driving him back home the car got a little quiet.  I look in my rear view mirror, and saw two little heads leaning across the empty seat between them, going in for a kiss.  Before lips could touch, and I could scream in shock that this was happening already, Addison toots.  Both kids start laughing so hard that she toots again...I couldn't help but laugh too.  It was pretty funny.
Later, after we had dropped her friend off and made it back home, I told Addison that she is too young to be kissing boys.   She told me, "Don't worry mom, we didn't kiss, I tooted and we were just laughing."  That's my girl.


Cami Eyre said...

That had me laughing out loud! How funny!!

Brooke said...

I'm afraid to ask who the boy was. Hopefully not mine! We just had to tell Molli this kind of stuff.

The Marchant's said...

Kindergarten is the magic kiss talk. I was afraid it was "THE" talk... hopefully that doesn't happen for a while!! :)

Pam said...

That made me crack up. You made my day. We haven't experienced that yet.

Lelani said...

oh NO!!!!!!!! I hope Emi didn't teach her bad things. lol