Saturday, September 8, 2012

I have a good excuse!

I wish I had a better story for why I haven't been blogging, but here is what happened...Once upon a time this amazing woman started out her morning feeling good. She worked out at the gym and decided to be nice, and on her way home she vacuumed out her husband's truck that she was driving (because that is the nice caring wife that she is).
Well, she finished with Mark's car, drove home and decided hers was in desperate need as well.  She left her cute little girlies at home with Mark and went back to the vacuum place.  She was vacuuming away, when to her dismay she heard the machine beeping that it was almost out of time.  The car was horrendous from their road trip this summer and she needed more time!  She jumped out of the back of the Expedition and sadly her ankle gave out.  It popped, and she dropped to the pavement.

Well, she knew she wasn't thinking clearly, but even though her foot hurt, she still needed to get that quarter in the machine.  She got up, added more time to the vacuum, courageously limped over to the car, and finished cleaning.  As she was hanging up the hose everything started going fuzzy and black.  She sat down on the cement, ears ringing, eyes unfocused, and cold sweats (in the TX heat), led her to believe she probably hurt herself more than she thought.
After the wave of nausea passed, she called her handsome, loving, hero, Mark, who came to her rescue....and the rest is boring.  Hours on the couch icing and elevating.  After most of the swelling went down she had it x-rayed, luckily no broken bones.  Now she hobbles around the house with crutches (from when Mark hurt his knee that are for a 5'10'' person at the lowest setting) and a walker (compliments of her neighbor).
The End
Moral of the story, don't vacuum out your someone else to do it, it is very dangerous!


Lelani said...

I hope you feel better fast!!!! I'm sorry you were hurt. The kids look so cute in their school outfits ... I bet your house is quiet during the day with one two at home. :)

candrkoch said...

that was an awesome fairytale, ang! happy endings are WAY overrated... just getting caught up on your blog to see how you are (it seems obvious that you've been better:)) and thought I'd say hi. loved seeing you this summer!