Friday, July 23, 2010

Just another day in paradise...

This is a normal family activity.  We like to get into trains and rub each other's backs.  Mark thought this was very strange when he first joined the he just tries to get into the front of the train.

I don't claim the two weirdos as family!
This picture is a little fuzzy, but I still had to add it in.  Aunt Karen is more like my sister.  We talk on the phone at least once a day, sometimes more.  It has been so fun getting to see her a little on this trip.
Here is my dad with a bowl of his homemade ice cream.  SO YUMMY!!!
I love night time at home.  The kids are settled in bed after running all day long, we get out the snacks and sweets, and we play games or chat.  It is the best.


Melissa said...

Looks like your having tons of fun!

Elder Gifford & Wendy Nielsen said...

Looks like heaven Angie. We miss having a pool full here though! Hurry home.