Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Speaking of Poison

We all feel like we have been poisoned! 
Yesterday I took everybody to the local walk-in clinic.  When I walked in with all 5 of my kids and told the fill-in (she told me later) receptionist that "yes, all 6 of us need to be seen," and "no, none of us are in your computer system" I thought she started looking a little ill herself.
2 hours later, and $180 in copays we found out that Parker, Addison, and Bailey all have sinus infections and Kasidee has bronchitis. 
Another $50 in antibiotics, and we are feeling a little better this morning.  But needless to say, yesterday was a long day.
I talked to Mark last night and I was telling him my sad tale.  He said, "Don't worry, Tuesday is a good day." (He is still in AUS, and with the 16 1/2 hour time difference it was already Tues afternoon for him.)
Thanks Mark for reminding me that there is always tomorrow.  I love you!


Brooke said...

Sorry to hear about you and your kiddo's not feeling well=(. But I love Mark's comment. I needed to read that to day too. My washer flooded my house last night. Just another day in paradise, Right?!?

Sherry Leal said...

Why is it that we tend to get sick when we're on vacation? I got the stomach flu in the airport as we were waiting to fly back from CA a couple years ago. I can just imagine the chaos of it with 5 kids! I'm so sorry for you. Hope you all feel better soon!

Lelani said...

ugh. glad they fixed all of you ... well, fixed the illness.

Edwin and Rebecca said...

That's awful. At least you are all sick at the same time, so it won't linger forever, AND you have your parents to help you out.

Brooke said...

I'm sorry to hear that you guys are sick again. No fun! Get better!!