Friday, December 14, 2012

Our Sweet Baby is 3

 I can't believe that this little girlie is 3 already! 
 Even though she acts like she is 5, and she thinks she is 15, 3 years has passed like the blink of an eye!
 Don't these look's a good thing that my other kiddos could care less if there is a little slobber on their cupcake.
 Reilynn spent the day doing what she loves best, sitting on the couch with the iPad, having free reign to choose what she wants on Netflix.  No older siblings complaining about too much Dora or Diego.  What more could you ask for on your birthday?....
Silly String.  She was giggling so loud spraying her older brother and sisters.  Happy Birthday cute girl.  We love you so much, and couldn't imagine our family without you in it.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not the best Thanksgiving!

 It isn't Thanksgiving without a little Turkey Bowl this is how we started our vacation in Mesa.
 It was fun to see all the family, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandad, grandma, great grandma...there isn't anything that can compare to family!
 Here is cute Logan, Preston, and Max.
 Then we had a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner at Grandad and Grandma's house.  Lots of yummy food!
 But then the flu set in Thanksgiving night.  Reilynn started throwing up first, and she continued to throw up for a solid 6 hours...
 Then Addison woke up early that morning throwing up.  Not fun!  Mark had tickets to a football game with some high school friends, and he was reluctant to go when kids weren't feeling great, but I told him we were fine and he headed out Friday morning.
 Friday late afternoon, I started throwing up (First in my brother-in-law's front yard...sorry again Jeff!) and threw up most of the night.  A big thanks to Grandad and Grandma for taking my kids for me!  Then Saturday I felt awful (pregnancy awful), and then Saturday night, Bailey threw up all night.
 We got up Sunday morning, packed the car and started the 19 hour drive home.  Kasidee threw up the first 7 hours of the trip.  We stopped in El Paso for the night, and Mark threw up that whole night in the hotel.  The next day we only made it another 7 hours, with Parker throwing up the last part of the car trip, and we stopped in Kerrville at another hotel.  Parker continued throwing up that night at the hotel.  We drove the last 5 hours, that felt like eternity, but we finally made it home.
I threw up a couple more times when we got home, and I think we finally had it out of all our systems.  Needless to say....we have had better Thanksgivings!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Mark put together a little scavenger hunt to break some news to our kids...
Reilynn went first...
This is what she found...
Then Parker's turn...
Here is what he brought to the table...
Here goes Addison...
 This is what she found...
 Kasidee gets a crack at it (pun intended, he he he)...
 Here is what she found...
 And finally Bailey...
Count the cups...

Can you guess what our announcement is?!?!?  Yep...
number six is on the way!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We had Darth Vador, a pirate, a kitty, a cowgirl, and Snow White for Halloween this year. Some friends came to trick-or-treat with us too. It was a fun night!!! We have more candy than we know what to do with!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Nothing says "Fall" like slicing apples, sprinkling them with cinnamon and sugar, and dehydrating Halloween costumes! The trunk or treat was fun too!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Spy Meeting

 I love my cute hubby!!!  He called a spy meeting before we went out to "Boo" our neighbors.
 Everyone was ready to do whatever they were asked of...I need to call "spy meetings" more often!
Here the kids are hiding in the truck to see if the neighbors pick up the treat they left them...very sneaky!!!


Yesterday Parker ran the ball in for a touchdown, and then a 2-point conversion...way to go buddy!!!
Almost at the same time, Addison was across the field scoring a goal at her soccer game...good worker!!!


 This was a while ago, but better late than never....right?
 I love the smell of pumpkin!!!  Cutting them open and scooping out all the goo is the best part.
 Sarah agreed with me.
 Bailey didn't.
 Sister Broomhall was helping Kas get started.
 Painting pumpkins was fun too.
 We put candles in the pumpkins that night to give the girls the full affect.
 Here are Parker's and Kas' scary faces.  Parker, I think you win scariest face award.
Little punk, caught in the act of trying to pinch his sister.  Busted!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Visitors from Down Under

 We had some special visitors last week!!!  This is Michelle, and her 2 daughters, Isabella and Amber.  They are from Australia, where Mark served his mission. 
 The kids love having special visitors, it means special doughnuts for breakfast, and... trampoline places.
 I have to say that the place we went to in Utah, with the foam pits, was more fun.  But the kids definitely had a good time!
 Then we loaded everyone up and headed to San Antonio for the weekend.
 We hit a couple accidents and construction on the way there.  I think it took us 5 hours to finally get to our hotel.
 Luckily the Alamo and the River Walk were a huge hit.  They all loved it!
 It was fun taking the kids.  They are getting old enough that they can enjoy the sites too.
 We were lucky to go on a weekend when they had lots happening.  They had reenactments and period-dressed people all around the Alamo, and there was some sort of art festival right outside our hotel.  The streets were blocked off and everyone could color all over the sidewalk and street with chalk. 
 Luckily it only took us the normal 3 hours to get home.
 Michelle and the girls taught us all the Australian ways to say favorite was "Mackers" for McDonald's.
 Then Michelle treated us to a night of Australian dishes, including pumpkin soup from scratch, pumpkin slice, bread and butter pudding, pumpkin scones, and pavlova.  Mark was in heaven!  I think the pumpkin soup and the pumpkin scones were my favorites.  It was all so yummy!
Next, we carved pumpkins...something they don't do back home.