Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another BOY!!!

 This week I have felt that I am barely keeping my head above water with 5 children, all their activities, and one sick husband.  So adding another person to the mix is very overwhelming...
But seeing Parker's reaction when we told him we were having another boy made it all worth it!  We are so over the moon that we are adding another little boy to our family!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


 This was our project this last Saturday.
 We are making a spot to put bikes, BBQ, trash cans...
It was my first time working with concrete.  It wasn't as bad as I thought...we'll see how the finished product turns out!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Late Love Day

I have recently fallen off the face of the earth...sorry!
I have new resolutions to be better!!!

For Valentine's Day, Mark was amazing and surprised me with not only a night out on the town, but an overnighter at a hotel.  He took care of child care,  kept the whole thing a secret and everything.  Good worker Markley!!!
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