We started our trip by flying to Arizona. All I have to say, is flying with Mark is so much better than doing it alone with all the kids! The 3 1/2 hour flight was pretty much uneventful...yeah!
We were so glad that Mark's dad was doing well enough for us to stay at their house with them. Of course, our kids got fevers and runny noses while we were there, so we tried to stay quarantined to the back room. Luckily Grant didn't catch anything we had.
We also went and visited my mom's parents. Grandpa and Grandma Taylor have lots of rocks in their yard, it the kids favorite thing to play in them. We were so blessed to be able to spend time with them and take pictures and give hugs and kisses. My grandpa had a masssive heart attack later that afternoon, and passed away a couple days later. We are so grateful for small miracles, like goood timing.
We continued our trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. We got to see one of my favorite people ever...my Aunt Karen. It was so fun to play with her kids and visit for a while.
My parents and brother met us there and we put Brian in to the MTC. He is off to serve in the Marshall Islands mission. He is going to be the best missionary ever! We miss you already Uncle Brian!
Then on to Logan, Utah to visit Mike and Jen. We loved seeing there cute new home and playing the Farming Game...good times!
Then we set off on our 26 1/2 hour drive home to Texas. For how daunting that sounded, it actually went really well. The DVD player with the wireless headsets saved all of our sanity! Now we are back home and trying to get back into the swing of things again.