Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I love this man!!!

How great is this guy! He came home and suprised me. He took off Friday so he could help clean the house and get the yard done, for the piano recital we are having at our house on Friday night. Sorry girls, I think I got the best one out there, you'll have to settle with second best! (:

Where's Kasidee?

Oh, there she is.


Mark started a game with the kids last night: hiding them in the pillows. They had so much fun! They even buried Mark too...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sad Girl

How sad is this little girl? She has 4 eye teeth coming in at the same time, a fever, and a cough. She has been miserable. All she wants is her blanket, her binkie and "Alex and Leah." (Signing Time videos)

I hate when your kids don't feel good, it is so sad! You feel so helpless!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Summer is Here Already

We had a high of 85 today. It wasn't as humid as yesturday, but I am feeling like summer is here. We got out our pool for the first time this season and the kids were out there for 4 straight hours. I had to drag them into the house. We are back into sunscreen, water tracked all over the house and aloe vera gel. It doesn't seem like it has been that long since we were doing this before. I just am glad that I only have 3 more weeks of being twice the size I should be. (:

Friday, April 18, 2008

New fun at our house.

All in the last week, we have gotten a swing set and a friend gave us this little power-wheel car. The kids have been out playing all day, every day, for the last week. It rained this morning and it was all I could do to keep the kids inside for a couple hours until the sun came out.

Kasidee's favorite thing to do is twist up the swing and them spin around until she is so dizzy that she can't walk. Parker's favorite thing is to drive around in the car. And Addison won't give up the co-captain seat in the car if you bribe her with cookies. We have had some fights over the new toys, but all in all it has been SO MUCH FUN!!!! By the way, the only reason why Kasidee is in "Addison's seat" is because it was naptime when this picture was taken.

I don't have a complete black thumb!

I have killed everything I have ever tried to grow. But I am very proud of my single rose that is growing and the little green grass plants behind Parker. I also have one house plant that continues to survive. (Notice I didn't say "thrive," they just survive.) My neighbor has been bringing me plants and helping me remember to water them. Thank you Monica!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Addison is our little spit fire, who is finding out she has everyone wrapped around her finger. She loves playing with her big brother and big sister, but her favorite toy is her baby doll. She will feed it, put it to bed, take it for stroller rides, take it out in the wagon, and her baby has to be buckled in the 5-point harness carseat if Addison is going into the store. She makes us laugh!


Kasidee is also 4, but she is technically 7 minutes younger than Parker. Kas loves to play with her animals...she has a million puppies that are her best friends: Big Cleo, Little Cleo, Big Fluffy, Little Fluffy, Sandy, Jed, T-Bone, and I'm sure I forgot some. Kas is also our track star. She loves to get out of the car at the beginning of our neighborhood and race the car home. She always wins! (: Kasidee has to give a hug and a kiss to everyone that leaves our home, regardless of who they, mom, brother, sister, friend, neighbor, or the UPS man.


Parker is our oldest. He is 4 going on 18. He is my big helper, which I try not to take advantage of. He loves Rescue Heroes, riding his bike, going to preschool, camping with his dad, playing soccer....the list goes on and on. He is all boy!!!