Thursday, February 18, 2016

Marshall and Lynnsdey's Family

 We were SO happy that we had visitors come just before Halloween.  They had a fall break, and we had a blast!
 We went to the Drive-In Movie...
 Maryn and Kas really got to know each other this trip.  I love that Kas has fun girl cousins just like I did when I was growing up. 
 Natalie and Addison...cutie patooties!  And then we have Parker...too cool for school dude.:)
 Wyatt was in heaven with all the treats and staying up past his bedtime!  He is definitely a fan of the "outside movies."  (Preston was so cute with Wyatt.  He would find him and play balls with him.)
 Getting ready for the school's fall festival.  Addison and Bailey cheered at it, so they didn't wear their costumes, but everyone else got all dressed up.

 Face-painting for the princesses.
 Here's the whole crew.  We had so much fun!!
We did a date night with Marshall and Lynnsdey.  We went to Guy Fieri's restaurant...SO YUMMY!

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