Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Soccer Time

We have been enjoying soccer with Parker and Kasidee. I love how the YMCA runs there little kid program. It is only on Saturdays and they practice for the first 30 minutes and then play a game for the last 30 minutes. It is perfect for right now! Parker loves every minute of the drills and the games, Kasidee on the other hand is not so sure. Mark has to hold her hand through all the drills and she has yet to play in one of the games. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.

Addison is very excited to sit in her own mini chair that is just like mom's. It makes me laugh that they all still talk about the week that we brought treats for the team. Kasidee picked out grape gatorade and Parker picked out fruit punch gatorade. I don't think they are related to me, food is always the highlight for them...oh wait.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Seriously cute. I love that last picture. And I am jealous that they get to play soccer. Gordon is 18 days too young to play this year. Sadness.