Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who does that?!?

My mom's car broke down, so what did my dad do?...He printed off the instructions on how to fix it off the internet, and he proceeded to take apart the whole a/c unit in the car. Who does that?!?!? I love my dad!
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Lelani said...

yay! so good to see you guys! I've been waiting for pictures. glad you're having a good time! so great to see family. fun! Emi misses you guys ... :-)

Jennifer said...

Look at you, you busy little blogger! Those pictures are cute cute cute and I want to come to Washington too! P.S. That is one cute little baby belly you have there. I need to send you those clothes...I keep forgetting. How much longer will you be there? Um ok, I will just call you...

Edwin and Rebecca said...

I'm so glad you made it safely. It looks like you are having a great time with your family. We miss you guys in primary :)

heidi_eatschuno said...

My husband does that too! It amazes me.