Thursday, April 23, 2009

When mom's away, the kids will play...

Hmmmm, what is this? Every baby needs a little Diet Coke in their diet!

Not only the kids will play...nice babe!
Mark was great to watch the kids while I went home for my grandpa's funeral. It was an emotionally draining weekend, but I got to see family that I haven't seen in YEARS. It was a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

London Bridges

We taught the kids how to play London Bridges, they thought it was pretty fun!

And then it turned into Tackling Bridges...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mark would be so proud!

We have a sticker reward system going on at our house. The kids earned enough stickers to go get a prize. Addison picked out a fun princess makeup kit. I think Parker had the most fun putting makeup on the girls and having Addison put makeup on him. He did pick out a Transformer action figure for his prize, so I think it all evens out...RIGHT?!?!?
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Easter, Finally!

It was hard to get pictures this year. There was always someone not cooperating, and it was poring outside, so on the stairs it is...We didn't get any of Mark, he was rushing to get ready in time for church. (And yes, we have 1:00 church. Please give him a hard time!)
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Grandpa Jack

Today I am sad. My Grandpa passed away last night, I am going to miss him so much! Grandpa was such a good example. He had a quiet peace about him that made you want to give him a big hug. He was the back-bone of our family. I loved his long "speeches" at family gatherings, how he always had grease under his fingernails, and how he taught me how good bread and milk is.
He was a good sport and volunteered to be a wise man with Parker for Christmas.

Grandpa, I miss you already!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It starts...

This little stinker is into everything. Does this look like the face of an innocent angel?
This is what she did to entertain herself while I was cooking dinner.
And a totally unrelated note, I saw this on my friend's blog, and I had to pass it on. It is so happy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Help please....

To start, this is proof that I don't kill everything I touch. This plant was given to me by a dear friend when Bailey was born...that was almost a year ago. It actually has flowers on it.
Our poor garden is not doing so well. These are my pepper plants, which have done the best.

Our beans are doing OK. Every other bean is wilting...
These are my cucumbers. They used to be a pretty dark green, and now they are whitish and wilty..
Our spaghetti squash is surviving so far...I have heard that they are is a good thing!

Our poor zucchini, it got down in to 39 last night, and I woke up to this wilty mess. (Are you getting the theme?)
And I am most sad about my tomatoes. I was so looking to fresh tomatoes this summer, but I don't think it is going to happen. If you have any suggestions, PLEASE HELP!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

We are up to...

Kasidee started cheerleading on Saturday. She loves it!
Addison wanted to take a picture of me painting. I didn't think she would be able to actually get me in the picture, so this is my fake "cheese" face.

Addison helped...
We just finished painting Parker's room today. We only have a little bit left, and we will have painted the WHOLE house.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009