Friday, July 24, 2009

red wasps

I think we have a red wasp hive in our attic, because every once in a while we get them coming through the vents upstairs. I didn't see this one come in, and Addison got stung. As she is screaming I procede to beat the thing to death with a nintendo paddle. I run downstairs to get Benadryl and an ice pack, when I get back the bee is gone. My first thought was I didn't kill it all the way. No, I was wrong. Kasidee, being the helpful girl she is, picked it up with her bare fingers and threw it in the garbage. You would think your sister screaming in pain would be enough to scare you away from the nasty not for Kas.


Angie said...

YUCK! I hate getting stung and I hate killing them, you are so brave! I need to add you to our blog, email me your address

Lelani said...

ha ha ha that's very cute!