Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Exciting Friday...

This is our poor plant. Mark says that it is so bad that it can't even be called a plant anymore.
Does anyone have any secrets to bring plants back from the dead?

Kasidee got ahold of the camera today while the kids were on the computer talking to Grandpa and Grandma.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what to do about dead plants; therefore, I highly recommend silk!

Jennifer said...

Why yes, that certainly is an exciting Friday! And I'm with Gangie. Silk all the way.

Melissa said...

Um, it may be to big for it's pot. You might try something bigger. Cut all the brown ends off with scissors.Is it getting any indirect sunlight? The edges are brown, so I'm thinking it isn't getting enough water. Just some suggestions. Hate to see plants die.