Thursday, October 14, 2010

the BEST playdate EVER

Addison had a friend over yesterday (not this friend, but he is equally nice to have over), Bailey went over to a friends house, and Reilynn took a nap.  In those 2 hours this is what I accomplished:
*mop kitchen floor, entryway, and bathrooms
*wipe down all kitchen chairs
*vacuum downstairs
*shampoo carpets downstairs
*clean and condition leather on all couches
*dust upstairs and downstairs
*oil wood on furniture and piano
  *put dinner in the oven
It was AWESOME!!!


Over The Hills said...

You overachiever!!!

Brooke said...

I LOVE superwoman moments, they keep me going on the days that I just get my family fed and dressed! So glad you had that time.

Karen said...

You are needed at my house!