Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Things First...

 We were so lucky to have Cory, Lori and Payden come the week before Thanksgiving and play with us!
 We headed to Kemah for a day.
 Reilynn caught on really quick that the rides were really fun!
 Here is the train around the boardwalk.
 Cory and Lori came from Idaho...FREEZING WEATHER...so they were loving our warmer days.
 I think Mark about threw up after this ride. :)
 How cute are these two...I won't tell you that it was a staged kiss, because it is cuter if you think it was spontaneous.
 The kids were throwing bread out at the seagulls, and they came swarming in.  They would of eaten it out of your hands if you didn't throw it fast enough.
 My cute little nephew!  My kids loved having a cousin to play with!
 There is something about the ocean...I love it!
 Then we had to get down to business.  Here is our pit, the fire had to burn for 8 hours before we put the turkey in...the guys had a good time.
 Then poor Addison woke up Thanksgiving morning throwing up.  Poor thing, she was so sick!  And of all days!!!
 Here are the turkeys...
 Here are the other turkeys...he he he.  Dustin flew in Wed. night.  It was so much fun having him come too!
 Despite Lori's face, the turkey turned out really good.  It was falling off the bones.
 It's not Thanksgiving without a little football.
 These two became really good little buddies.  Although, Reilynn did learn how to say "stop it" that week too. :)
 Wet Willy!!!
 Pay back!!!
I loved having family around!  We miss you all...come back!!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

So fun seeing Dustin playing with the kids! My boys asked about him for months after he moved!