Monday, April 25, 2011

A Day in the Life...

 "Mom, Dad, wake up!!!  The Easter Bunny came last night!!!"
 "I need this one, and this one, and this one...this is the best day ever!" 
 "Sweet, new flip flops!"
 "Hold still and smile, I'm just going to take a couple."
"This is lame mom, I am not smiling."
 "Parker, you are the oldest, quit it and smile!"
"No. This is dumb."
"That's it, I am not doing this this morning, we are going to be late for church.  Time out!"
 "Parker's in time out.  Parker's in time out."
 "La, la, la, la, la."
 "Do you still have a sugar-buz baby?"
 "Mom, I will smile for you.  See Parker, it isn't hard."
"Be quiet Kasidee."
 "Mom, look at me, take a picture of me."
 "Me too mom!"
 "Parker, if you can smile for the camera, you can get out of timeout."
"Ok, I'll smile."
 "You are in so much trouble, you big turkey!  Oh wait, it is big ham!"
 "Mark, come help make everyone smile."
"I will take the pictures this time, you make them smile."
 "Everyone say 'mom is the best ever.'"
"Ok, everyone in the car, we are going to be late for church."

Fast Forward 4 hours....

 Location: Greg and Angie's.  "Boys do nothing, girls do everything...take one."
"Cut.  Print.  That's a wrap." 
 "More candy...this really is the best day ever!"
"I've totally had better."
Happy Easter Everyone!


Suzy Q said...

I love the play by play. Pictures may say a thousand words but the words just add so much more to the pictures. Especially when there are young children involved.

Our Family said...

WOW such amazing family you have