Tuesday, April 19, 2011


After 36 hours of no eating, throwing up every fluid we could get down, a 3 hour urgent care visit, scary heart rate, scary fever, scary breathing, 2 blood tests, one catheter, one shot, tears (mine, not hers), and a priesthood blessing...
 We are very happy to see this little girl eating again.


Michelle Menden said...

That's so sad for her and mostly for you and Mark. Was it a bad flu? You guys should have been done with the flu after taking it home from here. I'm glad she's feeling better:)

Brooke said...

I'm so glad she is better! Scary!

Cami Eyre said...

That sounds like a scary bug!! So glad she seems to be on the mend!

Suzy Q said...

I am so sad we were not there for you during this. I am so glad she is feeling better. Please call if anything like this happens again, we will be out there in a heartbeat.