Monday, March 22, 2010

Home Sick and Egg Shells

I have been really missing home the last couple weeks. I have been missing the simplicity of a farm town, open spaces, fresh air, and yes cows...
As I was driving home from Target, there is a field I get to drive by. There were some cows grazing, and I had to stop and enjoy the quiet for exactly 10 seconds, until 5 cars drove by.
I know I am a little crazy, but I loved every second of the 10!!!!

The John Deere Tractor calendar on my fridge (which Mark likes to make fun of) made these two topics related...(:

Kasidee and I made banana bread the other day. She has a hard time with some of her fine motor skills still...writing, cutting with scissors, playing the piano... but her little skinny fingers were perfect for cracking eggs. She did so good, not one shell!!!


Melissa said...

It's nice to take in the small moments that bring back happy memories.

Yummmm banana bread is so tasty. Fun time together.

Alison said...

I still can't believe my little Kasidee buddy is so big! What a good helper!

Alyssa said...

Come visit Logan again! Lots of cows and fields and everything! :)

Over The Hills said...

Kasidee you are grandma's heart!!

Tara said...

Yea, I miss those things. It's one thing I love about visiting Randy's family in Royal, and mine in Yelm. Both are in the boonies. I love it.