Friday, March 26, 2010


We had quite a day...poor Bailey got the brunt of it too. I was watching a little girl at my house, and she had a bit of a biting problem. Every time I turned around she was biting Bailey. Bailey has 3 marks on her like this one.

Then she found her way into an ant hill. I counted 14 bites on her hands and arms, then I found another on her lip. Who gets an ant bite on their lip?!?!? Poor little girl!!!

Then my neighbor came over in the middle of the chaos. She only has 2 QUIET children, a perfectly clean house, and a beautiful weedless yard.

I looked like a wreck (I had worked out, and hadn't had a chance to shower yet.), my house was a wreck (I had started sweeping my kitchen, and their was a pile of grass, dirt, and dog food in the middle of the floor.), and there were kids running everywhere.

The last time she came over, we had just gotten home from a morning of stake basketball. My house was a wreck then too. Including the stereotypical McDonalds wrappers all over the kitchen table....They had just taken their kids to The Rainforest Cafe for lunch. That was the first time she had ever been inside my house.
WHY!!!!!???!!!!! Why can't she come over on a NORMAL day when we are in a state of reasonable and non humiliating chaos????!!!!!???
Oh well, it is what it is. I will be surprised if she lets her son come over and play again.


Amy said...

Gotta love days like this! It seems days that are the worst are always when someone that has it all together comes over. I just try to remember that I am sure there is something in their life that isn't as great as it looks and hope they show mercy!!!

Yasmine said...

I have two kids and have days like that-- I can't imagine having 4. Those days will be MY normal days!

Lelani said...

ha ha ha ha oh Angie, so sorry ... I've had that happen before and there's not much you can do other than laugh it off. EEK and since your front blinds are usually open, you couldn't pretend not to be home. :-) ha ha

now those ant bites .. OUCH. nasty. that's scary. really, why do red ants even exist?

Suzy Q said...

Have you ever been to my house on a "normal" day? I mean really. Chaos is just part of the family.

What I'd like to know, is who was the little friend? ;)

Ashley Ann said...

oh my i feel so bad! but that close up of bailey is absolutely adorable!