Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We must be doing something right...

In the car Bailey decided she needed to "pway."  She made everyone be quiet, I had to turn off the country music we were rocking out to, and she proceeded to bless everyone and their dog. 

"Please bless Grandpa's arm to feel better." (giggles from the back seat) "Shhhh,  please bless our food." (more giggles) "Shhhh, please bless dad to drive home safe."  (Why is Bailey praying right now?!?) "Shhh, name, Jesus, amen.

What would we do without Bailey in our lives?!  We love her so much!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i am so glad to see each one of you in the blog. It makes my day go better just thinking of my family arohanui grandpa