Sunday, January 10, 2010

OH MY!!!!!

Little boy hair cuts, tigers, fairies, and Darth Vader oh my....
Addison cut Bailey's pony-tail off the top of her head yesterday. The only solution to not having a mullet, was a little boy's hair-cut. I am so sad!!! What is the deal with scissors and hair at our house lately!?!?!?


Ashley Ann said...

oh no! i guess she just wanted to be like the rest of the girls. at least it will grow back :)

Lelani said...

ha ha ha ha oh, Emi cut her own bangs when she was little .... and they were like a inch short. it was awful!!!!!!!!!!! at least you can still pull it to the side with a cute barrett or flower. :-)

Melissa said...

You've got future cosmetologists on your hands! Put those scissors up somewhere they can't get to them. Kole cut his hair a couple of weeks ago. So funny. I remember wanting to do that when I was their age. I even remember having the big silver shears in my hand all ready to go, but I chickened out. I knew my mom would have killed me!

Elise said...

Yeah, I can't wait for the hair-cutting phase to know it will happen because I think it is one of those rites of passage in life. Anyway, I guess it's a good thing you are a hair stylist, right? By the way, cute family pics. I can't believe how awesome you look after just having a baby!!

Nancy said...

Too funny... I had a somewhat similar experience on my first day of teaching as a substitute. I was walking around the room admiring the kids and their work when I noticed a pile of hair on the floor behind one student's chair. Needless to say, they didn't ask me to come back to that class again. Geesh... it's only hair!

Christensens said...

I guess mullets are going around, lol. My daughter basically gave herself a mullet a few weeks ago. She kept telling me, "Mom, my bangs are like really rough"! I told her that's because she buzzed them with scissors! I was just glad she didn't get my little one's hair after reading your blog! Too funny:).