Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is why I'm NOT crazy...

Everyone thought I was nuts for getting a dog right when we were having a baby. But Zoe has been so much fun. She has been so tolerant of the kids. She lets them do pretty much anything to her. We love Zoe!


Suzy Q said...

k, but when I see you walking with a double stroller holding Reilynn and Zoe then we can talk "Crazy" again. :) Love my dog, they are just a part of the family.

Ashley Ann said...

these are so cute! I loved having a dog growing up! I'm sure it will be the same for your kids!

Over The Hills said...

We love Zoe!!!!But we love our beautiful kids!!!Grandma

Sherry Leal said...

What a cute little dog! I don't think you're crazy at all--I remember when I had my second son 5 months ago, I almost invited the neighbor kids over a few times to play with him and leave me and the baby alone. I almost wonder if the third will be an easier transition since the first two will occupy each other. Needless to say, I totally understand (on a smaller scale):).

Michelle Menden said...

Those are really cute pictures! I do still think you're crazy :) but being crazy can reap good rewards (and also a few messes to clean up). One day we will get crazy too. Now, I need to see more pictures of Reilynn. I bet she is changing fast!

Brooke said...

You have a great dog and that makes the difference.