Sunday, January 17, 2010


Today in sacrament meeting our great Primary Presidency was talking. They gave the best talks on Christ, love, music, and reverence. During the talk on reverence, Bailey proceeded to throw a big fit on one side of our bench. I was holding Reilynn, so I couldn't get Bailey over to Mark (on the other side of the bench).
It got bad enough, or I looked ridiculous enough, that one of the older ladies in our ward (thanks Rose) got up and picked up Bailey off the floor, walked around the benches, and handed Bailey to Mark. If that wasn't embarrassing, I don't know what is. All the while, a very nice talk on reverence is being shared.
I get the best mother award today!!!


Tara said...

I've felt like that before... don't worry, that's common I think. Anyways, I LOVE her red/strawberry hair! Beautiful color- I wish it was mine!

Jess said...

I actually saw Rose head over to your bench today, but I thought it was funny that she just handed Bailey to Mark! It's nice to see that even terrific Moms like you have kids who throw fits every once in a while.

Marissa said...

I didn't notice anything and I was sitting in the bench across for you. Who knows what I was doing! Sorry I wasn't helpful.

Suzy Q said...

Rose cracks me up! Just so you know, we heard all that racket. But I think it was mostly coming from my kids, NOT yours.

Melissa said...

Rose had lots of kids herself, probably saw an opportunity to serve and helped out. That's the way to look at it. That and it really does happen to everyone, just in the moment it can be disheatening. You are a great mom and I really am in awe of all that you are able to do.

I need to get you that Christmas DVD.

Yasmine said...

I only have two and I'm embarrassed every Sunday. I can't imagine having more to deal with during Sacrament meeting! Kudos.

Lelani said...

having been there and done it, I now realize that the only person embarrassed in the mom. people don't even think twice about it. I saw Rose and smiled. if we didn't have people between us, we would have grabbed her!!!