Saturday, January 8, 2011

Big Sisters are AWESOME!

 Reilynn has turned into a new toy.  She is old enough, and sturdy enough, to be more resilient to their antics.  Not that she is always happy about it...look at that face!
 She can finally hold on the the handles of the bike and the sides of the red wagon. (Look at this little cheese ball, she sees the camera and turns to pose on her way by.)
 I love the pouty lip, Reilynn has it perfected.
 "Mom, you are cramping my style.  I am trying to play with Reilynn, and you are making me stop for a stupid picture."
"Baby, don't say stupid, it's not nice. And if you give me a quick smile you can have a treat."
 "That's not good enough, I need a real smile."
There it is!  Stinkin' cutie!

1 comment:

Over The Hills said...

reilynn y are so lucky to have big sisters!!They are they to help you with everything.