Saturday, January 15, 2011


 Parker is on a basketball team right now.  He is having so much fun being a Bobcat!  It has been exciting to see them improve every single week.  What a difference from the first week!
You might think that I just don't know how to take a picture, but really they are just moving so fast that they are blurry!  It's called good defense. (:
And just a side note:  I have turned into one of those know the ones..."DEFENSE, HANDS UP, SHOOT IT, REALLY REF?!?!?"  I know, it isn't good, I am going to work on not being quite so embarrassing for my kids.


Lelani said...

oh, you're not the only mom like that ... :-)enjoy it while you can.

Over The Hills said...

Great job Parker!! Way to go!!