Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Negative Nelly

Is there even such a thing as a "negative nelly?"  It sounded good.
I was laying in bed last night thinking about how negative with my kids I had been all day.  Then I was reading some past posts on my blog and realized all I do is rant and rave about all the bad things my kids do.  So I made a personal goal to look for the good.  Here goes...
This cute angel, came with me to the library story time today.  Everyone was having a good time, paying attention, engaged in good cognitive learning time, and then I made the mistake of helping this little independent angel with her craft.
I learned that a 2 year old can go from angel to monster in a fraction of a second. (Good knowledge to have for the being positive!)
I had to literally drag her from the story time room kicking and screaming. (Good entertainment for all in the room.)
Then since she decided her legs weren't going to work, I continued to drag her, while holding onto Reilynn in my other arm, all the way out to the car. (Which was a good arm workout.)
Then we stopped at Sonic for a much needed Rt44 Diet Coke with Lemon. (Way better than Prozac.)
Then on home for an early nap time..(That one doesn't need any positive comment, it speaks for itself.)
Hurray for being positive....Alright, I'll keep working on it.


Suzy Q said...

Whoever said the terrible 2's was only when they're 2 was full of it. It STARTS at 2 and goes for 2 YEARS. Especially in the girls! I am in full sympathy with you on this one.

The Marchant's said...

I like the positivity! I need blog help! How do you get pictures on top and your writing on the bottom? Mine's on the side and I don't like it!

lynndseyj said...

Sister, remember when her hair is a beautiful shade of flaming red? She can't ignore what's in her genes! Love the positive spin post, as well :)

Marissa said...

Sounds like the day I'm having today...I'll try to be positive like you if I have to deal with this for another year!!!

Lelani said...

ha ha ha I disagree with Suzy. they continue until they're 25. or so I'm told. :-)

Brooke said...

Don't feel too bad. Everyone's been there, but it isn't fun.

Over The Hills said...

I love being a grandma!!!! Love them and then send them home to mom and dad!!! I'm smiling!!!!