Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cattle Branding

This little monster is the reason we have started branding our children like cattle.
It's very simple really. Everyone has a brand seared into their skin. It lets everyone know that #23 needs to be returned back to our house if found.

Ok, I will clarify, because I'm sure everyone is very confused.
On Saturday morning, I had just finished feeding Reilynn, and Mark and I were talking in our room. P, K, A, and I thought B, were playing the Wii. Our doorbell rang. It was like 8am. Who in the world could it be this early! Oh, it was our neighbor returning Bailey from CLEAR DOWN THE STREET!!! I was in my jammies, unruly curly hair in every direction, and a baby on my hip. Yes, I know, I am fulfilling my hick-trailer roots. (Not that there is anything wrong with living in a trailer, let's just get that staight right now!!!)
The neighbor returned Bailey without so much as a smile of understanding, and walked away. Why couldn't it have been the neighbors that know me?!?!? This is the neighbor that has a handicapped daughter that rides her big tricycle around our cul-de-sac and my dog (the vicious poodle) tries to attack her with her bark. And no this isn't the same neighbor who has the 2 perfect's another one.
My neighbors LOVE me!!!
Anyway, so I decided we are going to brand our children...the cattle ranchers have a good thing going! (Ok, so we just went to IKEA's play area yesturday, but I still think it is a good idea.)


Tara said...

Oh man! That sounds embarrassing! I can totally see that happening to me.... I'm not excited for that moment.

Michelle said...

I know what you mean! Saturdays are the worst for that sort of thing happening. I must have run circles around the house last Sat trying to find Max. He can open doors and follows the kids who are everywhere! It reminds me of Mark who we spent hours combing the neighborhood looking for when he was 2. And 3.

Lelani said...

we missed her??? how??? so sorry ... :-( had we seen her, we would have loved her instead. she's the cutest thing! and yes, kids do that. even with only 3, I used to lose Christian all the time since he loved walking away and explore.

Brooke said...

I'm sorry! Don't feel bad. You are a great mom!!