Friday, April 23, 2010

Date Night

Mark and I went out on a date last Friday. Ironically we went and saw the movie Date Night. While all of the chaos was going on on screen, a little chaos was going on at home as well.

Our babysitter called us a little panicked because the police were on their way over. Kasidee had called 911 and they were sending out a police car to check out the situation. Luckily, Mark called the police station from the theater and got the whole mess figured out...but there is never a dull moment at our house! The poor babysitter, I don't know if she will come back. Please come back, we are trying to teach our kids not to invite the police over to the party next time.


Suzy Q said...
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Angie said...

Love it! You're family is the source of my entertainment! Thank you Ward family!