Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday best

This was a week after Easter Sunday when everyone got to where their new Easter get-ups. They all looked so cute, but I couldn't seem to get a picture!!! I tried everything...Bribing, whistling, dancing, jumping up and down, YELLING...
Come to find out, all it took was...DAD! He walked out the door, made a silly face, and I got everyone looking in the same general direction.
I don't ask for much. No one picking their nose, eyes open, heads up. I don't think I am being that unreasonable.
Thank goodness for dads!!! They make every one's lives happier and brighter!

Reilynn, 4 months old. Wow, where has the time gone!

Addison, can she really be only 3?!?

Toothless Kasidee, almost 7!!! Ok, I just had a little heart-attack!

Parker. Ok, I just had a full heart-attack! I am going to have two 7 year olds!
(Look at those freckles, could he get any cuter!) I mean...HANDSOMER!!!
By the way, we still have 5 little monsters. I didn't forget Bailey @ Target, Wal-Mart, or Costco (the only stores I go to), she just wouldn't pose for a picture and we were late for church.


Michelle said...

So cute! You have been so blessed! We can't wait to see those cute little cousins.

Lelani said...

cute! where is Bailey's individual photo??