Thursday, December 23, 2010

How many sugared-up 7 year olds does it take... destroy a classroom?
 Parker and Kasidee are now in 1st grade.  Traditionally in their school, 1st graders make gingerbread houses for their Christmas party.  Not wanting to change something that worked so well, we stuck with it.
 Milk cartons as the base...genius!!!
 Gingerbread men cookies came to visit the gingerbread houses, so did a crazy sugared-up boy.
 I am Parker's room mom this year.  It has been fun being up at the school a little more often, and being involved.
I ran back and forth between classes, so I could see Kas too.  It was a fun afternoon.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You look so great "Bunny"..not to mention Super Mom! Have a Merry Christmas and give everyone Karen Kisses!