Monday, August 8, 2011

The Event

Ashley received her endowments in the Columbia River Temple in the Tri-Cities.

Going through the temple with family is what it is all about!

Then we were off to Seattle for the wedding.

The kids thought they had died and gone to heaven...staying in a hotel, swimming in the hot tub, eating out every meal!

This pool was freezing..but they didn't seem to mind.

Family flew in...

We headed to the Seattle Temple...

And then we waited...

And waited...

And waited...

For the big reveal...

But it was worth it, they were such a beautiful couple!

Ashley was gorgeous!

Brian was glowing...

It is a good feeling, seeing your brother so completely happy.

Brian is my youngest brother, but now he is all grown up and starting his own family.

I am so happy for him!

Then we went down the street to a park and had a picnic.

I loved the picnic! 
 Umbrellas, baskets of sheets to lay out,
 basket lunches,
 glass bottled soda,
and ice cream cones to finish off the afternoon.  Cute, cute, cute! 
Ashley did an amazing job on her reception!   
 She made every puff ball and hand-died every strip of material.
 She wrapped her letters,
and made her backdrop.  It was all so beautiful!  What a fun night!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow! What a special and beautiful memory for all to treasure.