Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Midway" home...

 On our way home from WA, we were lucky to be able to stop in Midway and see Mark's parents.
 They are staying at a fun place called the Zermatt.
 We swam...
 and we visited a couple fun parks.  (I love seeing uncoaxed sisterly love.)
 We had a good time.
 But my poor mother-in-law has seen us on the tail end of our summer extravaganzas, twice now...
 And by this time, my kids have had it, and let's be honest, so have I.
 So Judy gets grumpy grand kids and a grumpy daughter-in-law.  It's not very fair, sorry Judy!
 Midway was gorgeous! 
 It is a little old Swiss town, up in the canyon. 
 There was lots to see and do, but we chose to entertain ourselves with stickers instead of enjoying the beauty outside.
 Remember how we were tired and grumpy? 
 Stickers are the trick.
Who doesn't cheer up with a few stickers on their leg?

Thanks for a fun couple of days in Midway.  Even though we weren't the best company, it was really fun seeing you and getting a couple hugs.  We love you both!

1 comment:

Suzy Q said...

I have a movie for you to borrow, "Midway to Heaven." It's one of the newest "churchy" ones, "Singles Ward" but on a more serious side. It's really cute. And I'm pretty sure it's filmed in Midway, so you'd appreciate that point more than I did.