Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lucky Little Cousins

 These two are going to be the only two, out of my kids, who have cousins the same age.
 Luckily, they got along great.
 When 2 year olds share their Mac'N Cheese, you know it is love.
 How cute are these two?!?
 Little miss "I just learned how to roll my tongue."
And little mr. "I have the cutest, biggest, brownest eyes in the whole world."


Josh said...

I guess you mean from your family but I was thinking about what you said and Parker & Kasidee have Sydney, Madi, Nate, Aubrey, and Maryn who have all turned or will be turning 8 like them this year, Addison is only 2 weeks apart from Mason...then Bailey has Max, Preston,and Logan all within a few months of her..and Reilyn and Lorelai are only a few months apart as well! It seems your kids are pretty lucky in the cousin department :).

Michelle said...

well that was actually me...not Josh...

Jennifer said...

Yah! What about us! Not cool, Angie, not cool. I am officially disowning you from my will. Now you will never get Mike's trailer that I know you were eyeing!

Angie said...

Jen, please keep me in your will!! Who is going to get the belt buckle collection if I am out?

Yes, Michelle, I was talking about my three younger brothers. The only cousin when in WA. (There are extended fam in WA, but just one cousin.) When we are in Az/Ut it is awesome. Plenty of cousins, and even a few scuzzins!

Jennifer said...

Whatever, Angie. You are too late. You are dead to me.