Monday, September 1, 2008


My mom wanted a picture of all 4 kids together, hence the Sunday photo-op.
Our girlie's...
Kasidee kept saying, "Mom, can you take her please, I'm all done." She is not a big fan of holding her little sister.
Kasidee is singing a duet in the upcoming Primary program. She likes to sing it to anyone that will listen, she has already called both grandmas and great grandma.

Parker has been my little cuddler lately. I think Kindergarten has really taken it out of him. He won't admit it, but he is missing me. He comes and sits on my lap or randomly gives me hugs. I love that he needs his mom again.

We finally started potty training Addison. The first day I thought I was going to shoot myself. But once she caught on, she has been doing GREAT! She is getting SO big!

Bailey has grown so fast. She is getting so close to laughing, I can't wait to hear her giggle! She is spoiled rotten. She wants to be held every second that she isn't sleeping, which is most of the day (she isn't the greatest nap taker).


Jennifer said...

Umm, hello??? Why hasn't Kasidee called MEEE?? Rude!

Cute pictures though. Could Bailey look anymore like Markley? Seriously, I thought she was such a Gilbert, but wow, that is one Mark face.

Michelle said...

These are such cute pictures. Your kids keep changing. And yay for only one size of diapers to buy! Isn't Addison only 2? Wow! Bailey is adorable! Sorry though Jen, her hair isn't flying away, or standing straight up. I remember every where we went with Mark, people would comment on his "halo" hair, when he was a baby.

Alison said...

Wow! Look how grown up Kasidee and Parker look! Addison looks like she has such a fun personality. Bailey is so adorable. She and Carter share some cute chubbiness. I am glad that we can keep in touch now.
