Sunday, June 27, 2010

shhhhh don't tell...

One of the benefits of being out in the middle of nowhere...
teaching your children to drive, at a VERY young age!  They thought it was great!
(Don't look at my attire, I had just gone for a run.)


Cami Eyre said...

The joys of growing up on the farm! Drivers license, schmivers license :)

Angie said...

Jack always asks to DRIVE mommy's car or daddy's truck. He literally means DRIVE! I love that you took them out, they probably loved it!

Lelani said...

fun! I remember doing that ... and when I was a little bit older, my dad actually let me drive. couldn't do that here!

Suzy Q said...

I'm so glad you guys are having so much fun. Who was the camera man?

Alyssa said...

This was one of my favorite things to do when I was little! But we could only do it when we visited my grandparents in Idaho haha