Monday, June 21, 2010

A very important job

VERY important!

Countless hours of training had to be implemented in order for these young apprentices to be ready for the task ahead of them. Only a few were selected, some were too young.

The required safety gear (foot protection) was not for the faint of heart.
The precision needed, not everyone possessed.

Luckily, Parker, Kasidee, and Addison were up for the job!

Who else could personally place each pebble in it's exact necessary location?!?

HOURS people...HOURS and HOURS and HOURS of this!


Michelle said...

So cute! I love your tribute to your dad and the photos of your farm. Why would you ever want to leave? I want to come spend my summer there too! I can't believe how big your kids are getting.

Rachel said...

That is so cute!! They look like they get along so well! I bet you guys are having a blast there with your family. Wish I could come join the fun!

Jennifer said...

I love that Parker is wearing one roller blade. Not two roller blades. But one. Seriously, that could not have been easy climbing up there with that thing on.