Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bowls, bowls, and more bowls

Poor Parker got a bug that went around here. Luckily it was only about a 12 hour thing, but it sure hit him hard.
This poor guy probably threw up 15-20 times in one day. He was so weak, he could hardly hold the bowl to throw up in it again, and again, and again, and again...

I had it, but I was only hugging the porcelain twice. Kasidee only threw up twice. My dad didn't feel very good, but I didn't ask him about his bodily fluids (I didn't really want to know). I don't know why poor Parker got it so bad.

Mark was pretty nervous that he was going to catch it just in time to get on a plane for 26 hours, heading for Australia again. Luckily he escaped the yuckiness!
Parker woke up the next morning feeling so much better and wanting to eat everything in sight. I'm glad it was a short lived thing, Parker was too!


Brooke said...

Poor Parker! That is no fun for anyone. Glad to hear he is better.

Lelani said...

oh no, sounds like food poisoning. ugh. I'm glad everyone is better (right?)