Sunday, July 11, 2010

pick your poison

I know that most people prefer to have their children stay immobile...but I do not!  I love when my babies start to sit up and then crawl.  You have to chase a little more, but they are so much happier.  They can go get the toy across the room that they have their eye on instead of whining and crying until you go get it for them.  I figure, baby proof your house and you are good to go.
By the way, Reilynn isn't crawling yet, just sitting up.  I am just getting excited for the next step!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

How adorable! We just got back from Wy and really missed you, Mark, and the kids!! We can't wait to see you in a few weeks (or month)! I love your posts and pictures. I love when they learn to sit up...their whole world changes.