Thursday, May 6, 2010

good ol' Pippi

I remember watching this movie as a family growing up. It was on the Wonderful World of I miss that program!!!
Well, Pippi was on Netflix instant watch, and my kids were glued to the tv.

My pictures are a little fuzzy. I am still trying to figure out how to use the camera my mom is letting me borrow.

Zoe loves movie night. She gets rubbed by a loving Kas throughout the whole movie.

We set out a blanket and did icecream, picnic style.
It was a bit of a mess, but the little monsters had a blast...especially Bailey.

Addison is a very talented girl. She doesn't even have to take her eyes off the movie to get every last drop of the melted goodness in her tummy.

And everyone wanted a ride upstairs from dad after the movie. Being the very efficient person he is, not wanting to take more that one trip, he carried them all at once.
That's my big strong man, sorry ladies, he's mine! (:
Movie night was a success. I love it when those old movies can still bring families together, just like they did 20 some years ago with mine.


Lelani said...

those bowls with the sipping straw!!! my kids loved them!!! cute idea--movie night.

Over The Hills said...

I remember that movie!! What family fun. Keep up the good work!!

Brooke said...

How fun! You come up with great family ideas.